What We Do
At LEAF, we:
- Identify community needs.
- Connect individuals with treatment organizations
- Develop and host community education programs.
- Work with local schools to provide educational workshops.
- Advocate for policies that address local problems.
- Provide up-to-date information about substance use and addiction.
- Raise awareness about alcoholism and addictions as diseases and public health concerns.
- And provide a range of quality programs that work right here in Otsego and Chenango Counties.

Where and Who We Serve
The LEAF Council on Alcoholism and Addictions serves Chenango and Otsego Counties in Central New York. We work with individuals, families, organizations, schools, and more.
Video provided by Chris Chase at Directive.
Our Mission at LEAF
LEAF is committed to reclaiming lives, strengthening families, and building healthy communities. Our organization works to support a community where children and adults can thrive free from the effects of alcoholism and other addictive diseases.
Our services include education, prevention, referrals, collaboration, and public works to support our communities.
LEAF’s mission is:
- to prevent addictions and the risks that come with them.
- to educate the community about the harm of alcohol and other substances.
- to increase awareness among leaders, educators, health professionals, and the media about the disease of addiction and its medical and social complications
- and to encourage proper diagnosis, treatment, and care for individuals and families dealing with addiction or substance use.
LEAF works with individuals and families dealing with alcoholism, substance use, gambling addiction, tobacco use, safety issues, and more. Read more about our workshops and programs here.
Our organization also works with schools to support addiction and safety education.
Our Values at LEAF
At LEAF, we believe that alcoholism and other substance addictions are treatable diseases. We value education and awareness around these sensitive situations, as well as respect for individuals battling these diseases.
We want the tools to fight addiction to be accessible and approachable for people of all backgrounds.
LEAF values safety and quality of life. Addictions harm both the individual and those around them. we support treatment, recovery, and ongoing support for each person’s journey.
The History of LEAF
The LEAF Council on Alcoholism & Addictions was founded in 1982 by Otsego County residents. The founding members started the organization out of concern for community and family members who were affected by alcohol and substance addictions.
LEAF began its work in the eighties with only volunteers and a small budget, but the organization has grown steadily since then in response to the demands of our mission.

Under the leadership of its board members and co-founder Elizabeth Currier, LEAF has expanded over the years to employ a paid staff, and our budget has grown to nearly a million dollars annually.
Today, LEAF provides Otsego and Chenango County residents with valuable information, referral services, and support for alcohol and substance addictions.
We love our team! LEAF’s staff and board of directors work with a variety of state, national, and local groups to address concerns about alcohol, substance use, and other addictions.
Interested in working for LEAF? Go to our Employment page

Tessa Davidson
Extension: 107

Nicole Brybag

Kailey Kucinsky

Brandon Decker